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Can I be paid to be a family caregiver?

It’s a question that you might not even think to ask regarding your commitment to a loved one, but in some states it may be possible to be compensated for the time, effort and care you’re providing. Each state has different requirements and rules for paying family caregivers of loved ones who are enrolled in Medicaid, and almost all states have a lengthy waiting list.
While your chances of getting paid as a family caregiver are best if you are caring for someone who is eligible for Medicaid, or for a U.S. military veteran, other possibilities exist.

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Check Your EligibilityPrograms that pay you to be a family caregiver
Medicaid Waiver Programs
Medicaid services are available for long-term care in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In some states, programs allow qualified individuals to manage their own long-term home-care services as an alternative to the traditional model where services are managed by an agency. In some states, that can include hiring a family member to provide care, but coverage varies. Some Medicaid programs pay family caregivers but exclude spouses and legal guardians. Others will pay caregivers only if you do not live in the same house as the care recipient. And many programs have a wait list.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Caregivers helping veterans may be eligible for pay under four different plans at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. There are also several states that have a program funded by Medicaid to specifically help Veterans.
Tax Deductions for Caregivers
Caring for loved ones may have tax implications for you as the caregiver. You may be able to claim your aging parent as a dependent and deduct their medical expenses. AARP Foundation also offers free assistance with tax preparation.
Private Pay
If your loved one is not currently eligible for Medicaid, your compensation options may be limited. Personal Care Agreements are written agreements between a family caregiver and their care recipient that outlines expectations as to what services are to be provided and details the care recipient’s terms of payment.
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