As a family caregiver, you spend your own time and money helping your loved one. Before you make any big decisions, you’ll want to look closely at how different options might affect you financially. This tool will help you explore options that keep your financial health in mind.
Note: None of the information entered will be saved or utilized for marketing or other purposes.
Hi {$firstname}. What caregiving financial decision would you like to explore today?
Select one.
Select all that apply.
Answer a few questions to help me think this through
Caregivers who leave the workforce — even temporarily — don’t just sacrifice a paycheck. You may also miss out on some of your highest earning years, depending on your age and job. Let's explore the impact that quitting your job or reducing your hours to provide more care could have on your income and expenses.
For each of the following, move the slider to indicate if you would consider this option.
Quitting your job to become a full-time caregiver could have a big impact on you! You would not only lose income. Leaving the work force might mean less for your retirement. Let's explore the effect that quitting your job or reducing your hours to provide more care could have on your savings + retirement.
About how many years until you plan to retire or until you need to meet your savings goal?
We get it. You feel like you’re not doing either of your jobs — the full or part-time paying one or the unpaid caregiving one — as well as you could. Let's explore how quitting your job or reducing your hours to provide more care could affect your ability to balance your work + life responsibilities.
Select the options you'd consider trying.
Before you make any big decisions, you’ll want to look closely at how different options might affect you financially. As you make decisions, please keep your personal financial health in mind. Here is what you are thinking about as you decide if quitting your job or reducing your hours will help you provide more care.
Your monthly income from employment is ${$budgetnumeric1}.
You work {$budgetnumeric3} hours on average.
Your estimated monthly expenses are ${$budgetnumeric4}.
Your monthly caregiving expenses are ${$budgetnumeric5}.
You dedicate {$budgetnumeric6} hours weekly to caregiving.
You estimate needing an additional {$budgetnumeric7} hours each week to provide the needed level of care.
Your current savings amount is ${$savingsnumeric1}.
Your target savings goal is ${$savingsnumeric2}.
You are currently contributing ${$savingsnumeric3} on average to your savings or retirement accounts.
Your ideal weekly time spent working at your job is {$lifenumeric1} hours.
Your ideal weekly time dedicated to caregiving is {$lifenumeric2} hours.
Your ideal weekly time for family activities is {$lifenumeric3} hours.
Your ideal weekly time for hobbies and activities is {$lifenumeric4} hours.
Your ideal weekly relaxation time is {$lifenumeric5} hours.
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